My 2020 Reading Journey (Blogmas 2020 #23)

I had four reading goals for 2020: read the entire Bible, reread the Stephanie Plum series, complete the Popsugar Reading Challenge and read 100 books. I accomplished all four goals with time to spare. I started keeping track of my reading journey in 2018 and this year was by far my best year in terms of volume and variety. Volume has a lot to do with the fact that my kids are not always great sleepers so I have plenty of time during the middle of the night to read. My favorite thing about the Popsugar Challenge is it pushes me to read books that are outside my normal genres. This year, I discovered Amish Fiction which I really enjoy when I am in the mood for a fun book. I also got into books on meditation which is an ongoing journey for me and a skill I want to improve upon during 2021.

I am excited for the 2021 Popsugar Challenge! I still have a long list of books that friends have recommended to me and three Book of the Month books to read. My reading goals for 2021 are to complete the Popsugar Challenge, read 100 books and read the New Testament using a Study Bible and a Bible Companion book.

My favorite books from 2020. What are the best books you read this year?

Thank you for stopping by for Blogmas 2020! See you tomorrow.


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